Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Eugene Makerspace holds annual elections to determine it’s Board of Directors for the following year. All members have the opportunity to vote in the election, and any adult member in good standing is eligible to run for the board. Below is our current Board of Directors.

Board President

Karen Englebeck – Discord: @zebragrrl

Karen is a 3D modeller and graphic designer, with over 16 years experience in creating user generated content for virtual worlds. Her passions include classic films, science fiction, retro arcade games, and collecting Lego minifigures, as well as an unhealthy attachment to 80’s music.


Ben Hallert – Discord: @Ben Hallert

Ben has worked in aerospace and IT for 25 years with highlights that include working on the US space shuttle program, founding a job service for people interested in getting into space industry, and building tools used to help folks do things of which they’re passionate. He’s a pilot, is almost as good at making things as he is at breaking them, and once in a while he’s a writer but he’s got a lot of caring folks trying to help him get past that.


Piotr Esden-Tempski – Discord: @esden

Piotr is an open-source software and hardware developer. He founded several open-source projects like libopencm3, iCEBreaker FPGA development platform and is the maintainer of the Black Magic Probe hardware debugger project. Piotr is also the founder of 1BitSquared, an open-source hardware development, manufacturing and retail company located in Eugene, Oregon. He loves talking about open-source and working with like minded nerds on interesting projects. You can follow his work on Twitter, Mastodon and Twitch

Resources Manager

Beata Dalhagen – Discord: @beata

Beata began taking things apart before learning to walk, and is still at it all these years later. Sometimes known as ‘Bad Mink’, enthusiastic about Doctor Who, Myst, and computers from DEC. Often willing to get their hands dirty.

Events Coordinator

Sam Foster – Discord: @samfosteriam

Sam is an open source software developer and reformed sculptor and fabricator. He likes to make things and help other people bring their ideas into the world.

Social Media Manager

Andrew Goulart – Discord: @porgcollector

Andrew does cool things, warmly.