Eugene Makerspace is a 501(c)3, which means your donations are tax-exempt! We gladly accept donations of new and gently used tools and equipment. Please email the board and we can provide you with a donation receipt for the fair market value of the items donated.
EIN/Federal Tax ID for donations: 274515383
To donate money, please use our Patreon page, select one of the Paypal options below, or contact a board member to donate funds by cash or check. Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Sign up for a one-time or monthly recurring pledge to EMS with one of the buttons below:
Can be used for either membership or to make contributions that help towards keeping the shop open.
Support us with a monthly pledge on Patreon™ |
Can be used to make regular contributions, phasing our as a method for paying for membership.
Make a donation using PayPal™ or credit card | |
Set up a recurring donation… | …or make a one-time donation. |
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You can donate bitcoin to our coinbase account.