It’s EMS’s 10th Anniversary!
A place where engineers & artists, draftsmen and dreamers can come together and bring their projects to life.
Cord – First Blog Entry, December 7, 2010

10 years ago, this very day, members of the fledgling Eugene Makerspace opened their doors to the public for the first time. The space back then, much smaller than the one we have today, was packed with folks, friends, and family coming to check out the newly created community workshop.
Those 10 years since haven’t been without bumps and hiccups along the way, but in spite of all of it, in spite even of the Covid-19 pandemic, EMS is STILL HERE! And that is definitely something worth celebrating!
So here’s to the first 10 years – and the next!
While we can’t get together in person to celebrate this milestone, we thought it might be fun to share a couple of gems we discovered from that very first “Grand Opening” event.
The Announcement Blog Post:
Grand Opening
by Rick Osgood – Published January 12, 2012
Grand Opening
February 18th, 2012
11 am – 5 pm
Eugene Maker Space has made a lot of progress lately. To celebrate, we’re holding a Grand Opening. Come on down and check us out. Meet us. Decide to join us (or not).
We’ll be showing off our new shop. We will demonstrate members’ recent projects. We are planning to have a MakerBot on hand, a hand built steam engine, a payload from a near space balloon launch, and other toys. There will be flames, loud noises, and power tools.
You can build a kit. We have a variety of quick electronics kits
to make during the show.
We will give talks on current and past projects. We’ll be talking about our next near space balloon launch, our RFID-activated door lock, and other work.
We will have a video wall playing maker-related stuff.
There will be food and drink, of course.