Author: James Hukill

Ben Hallert does not set EMS on fire or how he changed his brakes.

Always awesome to link to fellow EMS members and their stories and use of the EugeneMakerSpace commons.  Ben Hallert fellow EMS member and friend ( posted this story to his Facebook feed a few days ago and I think it’s worth sharing it’s best use case story this year value...

Board positions appointed for the 2014 year.

First meeting tonight for the 2014 Eugene Maker Space board.  Congratulations to the newly appointed positions of; Cliff Cox Secretary,  Darrell Perko Treasure,  James Hukill Marketing/PR,  Kassandra Kaplan Facilities/Inventory,  Weston Turner Champion/President.

2014 Eugene Maker Space Board of Directors has been voted on.

Congrats Clif Cox, Darrell Perko, James Hukill, Kassandra Kaplan, Weston Turner! Congratulations to all new board members. Thank you all for those that participated in the elections process. See you at the next member meeting!

Eugene Maker Space went to After School Conference today.

OregonASK  Invited Eugene Maker Space  (EMS) to have a booth at todays After School conference.  Bob Miller and myself (James Hukill) volunteered to represent EMS onsite at Chemeketa Community College (Salem, Oregon).  OregonASK mission statement is “To support, expand and advocate for quality out-of-school time programs and activities for children, youth, and...